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Managing Organizational Transition

  • 08/22/2024
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • TTU Merket Alumni Center


  • Current Members of SHRM Chapter #186

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Michelle Stephens

For more than 25 years, Michelle Stephens has spent her career in varied nonprofit and volunteer work, ranging from health care nonprofit communication and marketing to dozens of nonprofit fundraising campaigns, including two capital campaigns.
Most recently, Michelle had the distinct privilege of being an integral part of the Lubbock Entertainment Performing Arts Association (LEPAA) and The Buddy Holly Hall development from its inception. As the Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer of LEPAA, Michelle facilitated milestone organizational transition after opening of Buddy Holly Hall: refocusing mission, vision and values and developing long and short-term strategic plans.

Managing Organizational Transition

Often in business, we find ourselves having to make changes to processes, to meet someone else’s organizational goals. Frequently, these changes impact others without consideration of the larger picture. Michelle Stephens will break down some of the lacks in understanding and provide solutions through talent management and communication strategies to help navigate success through Managing Organizational Transition.

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 HRCI Recertification Credit: 1

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Lubbock SHRM Chapter #186
PO Box 64183
Lubbock, Texas  79464

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